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It's important to know the correct terms used for flying a rotorcraft, ARC should be using the correct terms to match a real world drone.
Throttle gives the propellers on your rotorcraft enough power to get airborne. ARC has an "engine" which you toggle on/off and use Throttle(float) to gain height or descend lower to the ground. The speed at which the height changes can be set in the RotorcraftSettings under ThrottleSpeed.
Pitch movement in the forwards or backwards direction. This will tilt the rotorcraft, resulting in forwards or backwards movement. The max tilt can be set in the RotorcraftSettings under Pitch.
Yaw rotates the rotorcraft to turn left or right. When stationary there is no tilt, however, when moving the rotorcraft will tilt, the amount of tilt can be set in the RotorcraftSettings under Yaw.
Roll moves the rotorcraft left or right, known as strafing in FPS games. The amount of tilt for the roll can be set in the RotorcraftSettings under Roll.
Roll and Yaw tilts will stack together, so be aware when settings these values if you allow your rotorcraft to turn and strafe at the same time, the tilt will be both combined values.